In 2007 I spent three months working at Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park and their Artist in Residence Program. Together with artists from all over the world, we all lived and worked together. Highlights from this period is by far meeting the people in Shigaraki, especially Minori and Takaisan, Italian artist Sandro Lorenzini, my partner in crime Marita Isobel Solberg, the famous Japanese artist Yoshitomo Nara, and many, many more. The work process was very important to me. I spent a lot of time at the local research centre, where I did a lot of testing, and I came up with a phosphorescent ceramic silkscreen colour that could glow in the dark. A lot happened after this.
Also working in the incredible studio facilities. Never been working a place with a kiln that big!
The amazing park and the Museum located around the studio area was just breath taking everyday, and then there was the Lotus pond… and the hills, the nature, all so green and beautiful. I loved the stillness in this village.
And I got to meet the Emperor and Empress of Japan, quite a unique moment. The picture is from Japan’s leading newspaper Asahi.
And of course I went to Kyoto and Tokyo. In Tokyo I lived like Scarlett in Lost in translation. I remember laying in the bathtub and watching the Tokyo skyline. Hope to go back some day.